V-E-L-O: Four Keys to Effective Bible Reading


Does your personal Bible reading feel unproductive and dry? I want to share four keys that helped me with my Bible reading. They are things you probably know, but it’s always good to be reminded!

I have an acronym for the tips. It is V-E-L-O, short for velocity. It reminds me that we need to move deeper in our relationship with Jesus, and not just be moving in circles. Here are the tips.

 V – Value God’s Word

For the word of God to have impact in your life, it is important to value and treasure it (Job 23:12). You need to know its worth. Take it as God’s Word to you. It is the Word of the all-powerful God!

‘I rejoice at Your Word as one who finds great treasure’ (Psalm 119:162, NKJV).

E – Expect God to Speak

Come to the Bible expecting God to speak to you. Expect Him to teach you, comfort you, minister to you and challenge you (2 Timothy 3:16). Come to His Word in faith and expectation (Heb. 11:6). Pray sincerely and ask God to speak to you as you study His Word.

L- Listen

‘So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it’ (Heb. 2:1, NLT).

It’s very easy to go through Bible reading as a mere routine. But it is crucial to listen to what God is saying to you through His Word. What words stand out? What thoughts are impressed on your heart? What habits, actions or attitudes is the Word challenging.

Pay attention and listen very carefully (Mark 4:23, Hebrews 3:7-8). Shut out every distraction while you are reading the Word. Read the Bible even more seriously than you would read a letter from someone important to you. Read it with the consciousness that your life depends on it (Proverbs 4:20-22).

O – Obey

It’s not just important to read the Word, we need to obey it (James 1:21-23). Let us to do what it says. Ask yourself, ‘how can I apply what God is showing me’. We can’t do this in our strength. We obey in the power of the Holy Spirit, as He prompts us and reminds us of God’s Word. Share with people what God is showing you in His Word, as He leads you to do so.

There are many approaches one can use for Bible reading. A popular example is the ‘inductive Bible study method’. It has three main steps: Observation, Interpretation and Application. How do you read your Bible? Do you use any guideline for your Bible reading? Feel free to comment below!

Last updated on: 24 March, 2017